Dear Neighbors,
2020 has been off to a great start for West Columbia. Below are updates & upcoming events that I would like to share with you.
• We have worked with Dominion, who have installed five lights along N. Lucas Street. Four lights were installed on existing poles and one on a new pole. I have attached a map showing the location of the lights. And I have requested Dominion to repair streetlights on Shull Street, Earl Court, and a list of poles where streetlights would be helpful. And will be petitioning in 2021 for a complete repavement of Batchelor Street.
The safety and well-being of West Columbia residents, businesses, and visitors are our #1 priority.
• We have worked with SCDOT to fill potholes along: Shull St, N. Brown St. & Batchelor St.
• West Columbia has a new logo! The city is working on rebranding a new look that will attract more businesses and residents.
"West Columbia has deep roots, and the city continues to grow. It's a place where people like to live, work, play and entertain. It's a city that continues to be an affordable option to raise a family and run a business. And that's why we needed a new brand to reflect our business-friendly nature and our culturally creative growth. This new visual mark demonstrates where we've been by using the same color of green from our established past. The addition of the blue references one of our greatest assets, the river, and how it supports our city. Inside the mark is a compass rose that points due west, where we will always be. The tagline “Head West” brings about ideas of excitement, community and a way of doing things that's all our own. The new logo and brand will be incorporated into new orders of items that are restocked. Digital updates are being handled in-house with no additional cost to the tax-payers."

• We have recognized the hard-work & efforts of the West Columbia Police Force & Fire Department.
• We met with Dr. / General Mick Zais, United States Deputy Secretary of Education at Glenforest School to discuss special needs charter schools.

• West Columbia Restaurant Map Commissioned by Local Businessman/Developer, Joe Taylor
West Columbia Food Map (Source: Joe Taylor, Mike Daikubara)
"Joe Taylor, a West Columbia developer and former S.C. Secretary of Commerce, made the map as a gift to the city. The 18-by-24 inch full-color folded map shows 57 locally owned West Columbia restaurants and eateries as well as a number of non-food attractions, all chosen by Taylor, who wrote the accompanying legend on the reverse side, from Al’s Upstairs to Zesto." more...
A free copy is available for pickup at West Columbia City Hall, 200 12th St.
• Saturday, February 29th
Democratic Primaries (Open to all voters despite party affiliation).
Check your voter registration here.
Free Recycling Drop-Off
Riverbank Zoo & Garden, Greystone Entrance
Materials Accepted:
-Electronics: Computers, printers, TVs, Phones & more. (Limit 8 per household)
-Goodwill Donations: Clothes, furniture, & Household items.
-Scrap Metals: Appliances, bicycles, metal chairs, metal shelving. No fridges, freezers, AC units or other items with freon.
-Tires: Car, light truck, bikes, and wheel barrows. (Limit 8 per household)
-Used Cooking Oils: Used cooking oil in sealed containers.
Materials generated from businesses will not be accepted. Questions? Call 803.733.1139
Cayce West Columbia Dixie Youth Baseball League 2020 Kick-Off.
Howard Park on Cougar Drive in West Columbia
WECO Bottle & Biergarten, 626 Meeting Street, West Columbia, SC
Glenforest School, 1041 Harbor Drive, West Columbia, SC 29169
Glenforest is a 4k-12 accredited, independent, non-profit day school that serves students with learning differences. Their curriculum is 100% special needs based. Single ticket is $65.
• Sunday, March 1st, 6:30PM
Mt. Tabor Ballpark, 1000 B. Avenue, West Columbia, SC 29169
• Monday, March 2nd, 8PM-10:30PM
Comedy Closet, 735 Meeting Street, West Columbia, SC, 29169
• Monday, March 9th, 6PM
West Columbia Community Center, 754 B Avenue, West Columbia, SC, 29169
• Saturday, March 14th, 8:45AM (Weather Permitting - Supplies provided)
West Columbia Community Center, 754 B Avenue, West Columbia, SC, 29169
• Sunday, March 15th 11AM-6PM
Sharpe Creations, 904 Frink St, Cayce, South Carolina 29033
11AM-5PM Biergarten Brunch
WECO Bottle & Biergarten, 626 Meeting Street, West Columbia, SC
• Wednesday, March 18th, 7:45AM-9:15AM
554 Meeting St, West Columbia, South Carolina 29169
• Friday, March 20th, 8PM-9:30PM
West Columbia Riverwalk Park & Amphitheater
• Saturday, March 21st, 12PM-6PM St. Pat's on the River West Columbia Riverwalk Park & Amphitheater
• Tuesday, March 24th, 7:45AM-9:15AM
Location: TBD.
Full Chamber Calendar:
• Saturday, April 25th, 11AM-3PM
More information: Registration ends on April 18, 2020.
• Some New West Columbia Businesses:
Restaurant - Palate, 116 State Street, West Columbia, SC, 29169
The TRAC Gallery - Twin Rabbit Artist Collective, 140 State St, West Columbia, SC, 29169
For real-time updates, follow me on Facebook: